Monroe 2044 Comprehensive Plan
The City of Monroe has been actively engaging with the community through workshops, pop-up events, surveys, and other outreach efforts. We’ve carefully listened to your input and have incorporated many of your ideas and concerns into the draft Comprehensive Plan.
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
A Comprehensive Plan is a long-term guide that helps shape the growth and development of a city. It addresses a wide range of issues, including land use, housing, transportation, parks, and public services. By setting a clear vision for the next 20 years, it helps ensure that Monroe evolves in a way that reflects the community's needs, values, and priorities.
Now, we invite you to review and provide feedback on the draft we’ve developed together!
The comment period is open until November 1, 2024.
How to Use Konveio: To navigate the different chapters of Monroe's Comprehensive Plan, use the drop down feature located above the green bar at the top of the document. This feature will allow you to move between the 11 different chapters. You can review each chapter individually by clicking through at your own pace. As you read, feel free to provide your comments and feedback directly within the document.
Chapter Overview:
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 2: Vision and Policy Framework
- Chapter 3: Land Use
- Chapter 4: Transportation
- Chapter 5: Economic Development
- Chapter 6: Housing
- Chapter 7: Parks, Recreation, and Open Space
- Chapter 8: Capital Facilities
- Chapter 9: Utilities
- Chapter 10: Shorelines and Natural Environment
- Chapter 11: Implementation