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Forest Grove DEI Plan - Draft Goals and Strategies

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What I don't see in any of these goals is the mention of collaboration. We need to recognize the need for and the willingness to collaborate. Pacific University offers all sorts of free events that focus on EDI, but we don't seem to be able to get the community involved. How can we change that?
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capacity and training may not be enough. Personal (made public) goal setting might encourage more investment link
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in reply to Anonymous's comment
this was supposed to be down in item 3.4!
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Data can be “sanitized” depending on your N. Finding ways to collect emotive experiences and reducing barriers will be important
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This sounds like (and maybe it's the intention) every This sounds like (and maybe it's the intention) every policy and practice in these areas is attached to a way to analyze the effects on equity and inclusion. Perhaps there will be a rubric or tool that departments can use to assess these impacts?
1 reply
I would suggest adding "of Forest Grove staff and business owners."
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I like the idea of this one for sure, but it sounds a little vague - I'm wondering what data will be used and how (and maybe that's just because this is the only item I've seen so far without a little bit of further explanation)
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The goals below I think represent the data and informing part, but this goals says improve services to diverse communities. Not sure that is represented in the action steps.
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Possible to add somewhere in Goal #2? Policies that empower the people to hold those with authority accountable
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Here too, it's not just getting candidates of diverse backgrounds to boards and commissions, but helping each board and commission operate in a way that is inclusive.
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add retention (as per other comment) - retaining staff says as much about the city's practices as hiring in the first place
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City leaders to go to the people vs the people coming to them. Ex - non profits, migrant camps etc.
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Agreed. This is probably the most important feature fo your goals.
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I agree with this. We need to recruit candidates, and then support them.
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I am not sure if the first sentence of this statement is the right one for an item around cultural competence. I do think a place to acknowledge history and perspectives is good, but I am not sure that an unknown/future thing (DEI efforts and their effect) will build cultural competence or responsiveness.
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Simply making the process less biased wont bring more diverse candidates. We need to grow our own diverse candidates, and then make their work environments supportive of their cultures.
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I would suggest leaving continuous improvement out so it focuses more on inclusivity
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I think educating the community is critical. Moving the city leaders forward without also bringing along the community will be counterproductive.
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Including historical and contemporary narratives of survival, resilience, hope, joy, excellence.
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Definitely ongoing -- will take a lot more than a year or a "one and done" approach...
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I like this, but really DEI should get funded holistically in every department. And their team should have the resources they need to continue to grow the system.
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feedback in the language in which they are most comfortable (i.e. the burden is on the city to create inclusive mechanisms for feedback)
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Establish cultural competence at the hiring level. Include cultural competence interviews questions at City's job interviews
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This might be a good area also to include some accountability - i.e. not just updating staff, but more of a two-way interaction in which both community members and staff can also provide feedback about progress to date.
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System for delivering this information to community members.
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Ensuring that feedback systems/processes are accessible to all populations.
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3.4 - Awesome goal - good to keep the CC informed on progress.
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3.3 - Great goal
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Great goal - maybe extend timeline
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3.1 the word ongoing is used - just a thought that maybe the timeline should say ongoing as well?
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Maybe extend the timeline? What are the mini goals here and was there a reason for this timeline?
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Sounds good
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This is great. Will staff get to complete surveys and give their input on policies that are updated or are new? Something to consider if not already
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This is good
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Maybe this should be an ongoing timeline as well to provide room for other options
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Comment on 1.1 - possibly this timeline should also say ongoing?
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