Colorado Energy Office Electric Vehicle Charging Model Land Use Code & Guidance Document
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on the draft EV Charging Model Land Use Code and Guidance Document, your input is crucial to this process and final outcomes. Below is a brief description of each document. You can toggle between the Model Code Document and the Guidance Document using the drop down menu in the upper lefthand corner of the toolbar below, or using the right/left arrows at the bottom of the page.
EV Charging Model Code: This includes EV charging specific standards for local governments to integrate into existing codes, and some limited guidance to help with code adoption.
EV Charging Model Code Guidance: This includes more in depth guidance on how to integrate the EV Charging Model Code standards into existing codes, and additional requirements for updating application and review processes outside of land use codes.
As you review, consider:
- Whether the standards and requirements are clear
- Whether the standards provide adequate structure and flexibility for local governments to appropriately regulate EV Charging
- If there may be any unintended consequences or outcomes as a result of these standards and requirements
- Whether the guidance document provides an appropriate level and quality of information for local governments to effectively implement the Model Code
If you have any questions, please email Jaxon Fagan: jaxon.fagan@state.co.us. Thank you!