Bellevue Great Neighborhoods - Newport
Welcome to the Newport Neighborhood Scan!
We want you to explore your neighborhood and share your thoughts about streets, parks and open space, community spaces, and art along your journey.
STEP 1: Choosing a Starting Point
Look at the map on the next page. Choose one of the points of interest on the map. It is up to you where you want to go.
STEP 2: Where Do You Want to Go?
Now that you have picked a starting point, where do you want to walk or ride to and what will you find?
As you walk or ride your bike along your route, tell us what you think based on the five urban design elements.
STEP 3: Answer Some Questions
Share your experience on the next page by answering
the following questions on the space provided.
- Share your ideas if you would like to add/enhance an urban design element.
- How did it feel to walk/bike around?
- Did you notice any urban design elements? If so, list them on the next page.
STEP 4: Next/Final Destination
Want to explore another part of the neighborhood?
Choose another point to walk or ride to. Drop pins on your route to tell us about your experience.
You can explore as many points as you want.